How To Store Your Eggs

One of the most exciting things about raising your own chickens is collecting fresh eggs.Once you have tasted fresh chicken eggs you will never want to go back to eating store bought eggs. However, because your freshly laid eggs are processed differently than commercial eggs, they also need to be stored differently. Unfortunately lots of people…
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How To Store Honey

If you know how to store honey correctly, you can enjoy for years. It’s also one of the most shelf stable foods. Beekeepers and food safety experts learn where to store honey, how long it lasts, and how to keep it tasting sweet for as long as possible. So, How Long Does Honey Last Thanks…
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Health Benefits of Honey

Honey is an all-natural and readily available option with many possible health benefits. Some evidence suggests that honey helps reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes and supports a healthy gut. Other research has found that honey might be a good alternative to antibiotics. Honey comes from nectar, which flowers produce to attract bees to them. Bees suck the…
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How We Extract Honey

In my opinion extracting or harvesting honey is a best benefit of beekeeping. Maintaining your hives throughout the year brings a payoff in the form of sweet honey that you can enjoy at home, give as gifts, or package and sell at the farm stand. The honey extraction process may seem a bit overwhelming at first…
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Honey Flavors

Honey is honey, you say? Well yes and no. If you’re stirring it into a hot, highly flavored tea, most flavor difference between types of honey will be lost, true. Yet, bees that feed on specific plants make honey with truly unique flavors. To taste the difference, try different kinds of honey spread side by side on…
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